This blog is about a tour for myself, on the celebration in the Pulau Ubin Tua Pek Gong Temple.
2008 is the first year that Pulau Ubin Tua Pek Gong Temple holds such a major celebration for the residents of the island, and also for the devotees of the temple. Flags and lanterns can be seen hanging along the way from the jetty to the town; Chinese opera performance, Ge-tai performance can be seen to fill that quiet night of the island.
To bad, i miss out the Ge-Tai performance, but... I did not miss out the day view of whats going on behind the scene.
There will be another celebration for the Tua Pek Gong coming up in the next few months.
Till then, I will update about the prayer's celebration.
Entrance view at night
Chinese Opera performance
OBS students watching Opera
Opera stage transform into Ge_Tai Stage
Tentage outside Tua Pek Gong Temple
Street filled with lanterns and flags
Path along jetty fill with flags
Jetty is well decorated as well
updated on 11 July 2008:
Newspaper article, go to this link:
Thanks Ria for posting the news article. :)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
23 May 2008 - Tua Pek Gong Temple Celebration
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Nature Walk @ Pulau Ubin, 17 May 2008
This is my first entry of my Pulau Ubin Tour after so many time of conducting of such tours.
Usually, the number of participants ranges from 4 pax to 8 pax, but this time round, we have a break through; There are 9 participants!
For this trip, we have a couple of break through:
- 9 participants
- Visit to Ketam Mountain Bike Park
- Seen Pulau Ubin decorated for Vesak Day C elebration
After introduction of the tours @ Betel Box, we headed for the bus stop. The 50 minutes bus journey breaks the ice among the participants.
Arriving at Changi Village, we break off for lunch, with the participants trying the local delights.
Bum boat ride increase from S$2.00 to S$2.50, but that does not prevent people from entering the island.
Upon reaching the island, we were welcomed with religious flag decorated for Vesak Day celebration. According to the locals, 2008 is the first time where the village put up such decoration with helps from sponsors who love the island.
Bike, a human-powered tool to move around the island, gives some of the participants a real-time adventure experience as they have not been on bikes for ages.
A Get Away from the city gives everyone a different view about Singapore, and have their weekend fully charged up with fresh air and positive energy.
Too bad this time round I did not take much pictures, but certainly for the rest of the upcoming tours, I will include more pictures for the reader's view. Ketam Quarry View
Pekan Quarry View
Group photos at Pekan Quarry View, normal setting
Group photos at Pekan Quarry View, camera on Sunset setting
Sunset with the outskirt of Pulau Ubin
Sunset view, reaching Changi Point Ferry Terminal
For information about Ketam Bike Trail, please refer to the following:
Ketam Bike Trail on Google Map
Ketam Mountain Bike Park Orientation Ride